
Conditional visibility in Webflow and Tangram

Learn how to conditionally hide elements on your Webflow page based on the currently set value in Tangram.

Paris Mielke

March 31, 2023

March 31, 2023
~ 2 min

In order to conditionally hide everything inside of a div block based on the value a custom field is currently set to, follow these steps:

1) Wrap the thing you want to conditionally hide in a div block. It is our best practice to add a class to this div block like "Hide Class".
2) Wrap the Hide Class div block in another div block set to "display: block". Name it something like "Safety Wrapper".
3) Apply the HTML attributes to the Hide Class div block:

If you want to hide everything inside the div block unless a certain field is set to ANYTHING, add the following:

tg-hide-unless-field = "[field_id]"
tg-hide-unless-value = "*"

If you want to hide everything inside the div block unless a certain field is set to NOTHING, add the following:

tg-hide-unless-field = "[field_id]"
tg-hide-unless-value = "null"

If you want to hide everything inside the div block unless a certain field is set to a specific value, add the following:

tg-hide-unless-field = "[field_id]"
tg-hide-unless-value = "[specific value]" e.g. "purple"

Click here to open the ServiceX example marketplace read-only link in Webflow

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