
How to add reviews to a user profile

Learn how to add reviews to a users profile from Tangram into Webflow

Paris Mielke

April 7, 2023

April 6, 2023
~2 min

Follow these steps to add reviews onto your Tangram x Webflow marketplace:

1) Design an example review in Webflow
2) Apply tg-import-type = "review" as an attribute to a div around all the review contents/card
3) Connect the following attributes:

tg-review-value = "label" (the name of the reviewer)
tg-review-value = "date" (the date the review was created)
tg-review-value = "rating" (the rating left by the reviewer out of 5)
tg-review-value = "contents" (the message from the reviewer)

Click here to open the ServiceX example marketplace read-only link in Webflow

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