
How to edit the navigation menu for different user roles

Learn how to edit what pages each user role in your app has access to and what pages they see in their Tangram user portal.

Paris Mielke

April 3, 2022

April 3, 2022
2 min

At A Glance

  1. Open the admin navigation editor in Tangram
  2. Add or edit pages for this user role
  3. Reorder the menu for this user role by dragging & dropping

Open The Navigation Editor In Tangram

Login to your Tangram admin account and navigate to "Settings" > "Roles" > Select "Manage" for the role you would like to edit the navigation for > "Navigation"

This page is editing the pages that the role "instructor" will be able to see in their account/portal menu in the top right.

Add Or Edit The Navigation Pages

How to add a templated Tangram page in the navigation menu of a specific user role (e.g. "instructors"):

  1. Click "+ New" in the top right
  2. Give the new page a name in the "Label" field
  3. Click "Or choose templated link"
  4. Select a template from the "Page Type" dropdown field.
  5. Click "Save"

How to add a link as a page in the navigation menu of a specific user role (e.g. "instructors"):

  1. Click "+ New" in the top right
  2. Give the new page a name in the "Label" field
  3. Click "Or choose templated link"
  4. Select "Somewhere Else on the Internet" from the "Page Type" dropdown field.
  5. Paste the external URL your want users to be linked to in the "Link URL" field
  6. Click "Save"

Order The Pages By Dragging & Dropping

Click and hold the rows of pages as you drag them to reorder the navigation menu for this user role.
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