
How to make a transaction

Learn how to make a transaction (e.g. booking, appointment, job application, purchase, etc) on your marketplace.

Paris Mielke

December 12, 2022

December 12, 2022
4 min

You can make a transaction in two ways, 1) as an admin in the admin account, and 2) as the user making the transaction.

IMPORTANT: if you make the transaction on the admin transactions page rather than logging in as the user, the user will not actually be charged. Payment will need to be collected manually.

(making a transaction as a user)

To make a transaction as a user like a customer you will need to log in as that user.
Next you will need to navigate to a listing search page or any page where you can make a transaction. Select a listing a go through the transaction process. You know a transaction was created successfully if it shows up on the transactions table.

(making a transaction as an admin)

Sometimes it is important to track transactions that happened off-platform. To add a new record to the transactions table without actually charging the customer, simply click the “+new” button on the transactions table as an admin. You must collect any money off-platform if a transaction is created in this manner.

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